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Stack City | Parking Day

Parking Day is a city wide event in Philadelphia over the summer that re-imagines what a parking space looks like. For this event I was one of the team leaders that helped with the execution of our design. The group identified four urban typologies: recreational, businesses, residential, and dining. These conditions allowed people to let their imagination run free to build their own ideal gathering spaces with blocks to aid in discussions regarding public space. 

Interactive Partitions | Hammock Room

As a Summer 19' Fellow for Impact Wrkshp, I was able to incorporate my skills in macramé and weaving to design and fabricate interactive partitions. These partitions help divide the classroom space in the Sussex Avenue Renew School into activity zones of yoga, writing, and art-therapy. This design encourages a mindful interaction that supports mental health in the classroom.

Model Making | Umbrella House Case Study
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